Dr. David Leffler's
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News on Preventing an Enemy from Arising with Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) |
24 August 2008 |
Dear Subscriber,
Invincible Defense Technology News keeps you up-to-date on how Invincible Defense Technology (IDT) is being accepted world-wide. Be the first to know: which countries are invincible, which leaders are accepting IDT, IDT events, new books, media coverage and more.
Invincible Defense Technology Experts Tour South Korea and Give Presentations at International Military Conference
Col. Brian Rees and Dr. David Leffler recently returned from South Korea, where they gave presentations about Invincible Defense Technology at the International Sociological Association Research Committee 01 Seoul National University & Korea Military Academy International Conference on Armed Forces & Conflict Resolution in a Globalized World.
The presentations were:
Dr. Leffler's paper will be published in an edited book sponsored by the international military conference.
The audience, consisting of sociologists and military leaders, were receptive to Invincible Defense Technology. The two presentations by Col. (Dr.) Brian Rees were impressive and received many questions.
Dr. Won Geun Lee, the national leader for the TM organization in South Korea, and his family raised money to help fund Dr. Leffler's trip. Dr. Lee also hosted Dr. Leffler and arranged meetings and presentations. After the conference, Dr. Lee, Col. Rees and Dr. Leffler spoke at a conference chaired by Mrs. Lee at the South Korean government's National Parliament Memorial Grand Hall. The title of the conference was "Einstein's Unified Field Is a Solution for the Current Situation of Our Nation - Introduction of Invincible Defense Technology."
Also, at a Korean Military Academy function, Dr. Leffler met a prominent 2-star retired Korean army general who serves as Chairman of the MAPO Security Council as well as Chief Director for another important defense-related organization. Due to the rising tensions between North and South Korea, the general realized that IDT might have potential to lower the collective stress. Later, after giving an in-depth presentation to the general, his recommendation lead to Dr. Leffler and Dr. Lee lecturing about Invincible Defense Technology at South Korea's most prestigious research facility, the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA).
Due to these promising developments in South Korea, Military Journal will write an article about Invincible Defense Technology and Mental Science Journal has expressed interest in publishing a paper on this topic. Also, three military people, including a two-star general and a Colonel, and the aides of two members of the National Parliament of South Korea, telephoned to get information about Invincible Defense Technology.
Invincible Defense Technology Reports from 7 Countries
Lt. Col. Gunther Chassé (Ret.) gave a series of lectures at various military-related institutions about Invincible Defense Technology. He spoke to professors at two German military universities, a center of military leadership training, the Institute of Peace Research and Security Policy of the University in Hamburg, and a state leader of the federal association of reserve forces. He reports that all were impressed by Maharishi's effective and practically proven approach to defense that can reduce war activities, war casualties and war injuries as the field studies have shown. In all cases, there have been follow up contacts. One university professor has exchanged questions and answers with Dr. John Hagelin. Chassé also presented the Transcendental Meditation program to military directors and military hospitals on this scientifically validated human resource-based technology to alleviate Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). In one case, he was accompanied by Dr. Sarina Grosswald from the United States, an experienced scientist in the field. And on another occasion, Dr. Alarik Arenander a neuroscientist from Fairfield, Iowa did a live demonstration of brainwave coherence during the Transcendental Meditation technique to the military medical personnel. The first reaction was that the doctors and nurses themselves wanted to learn the Transcendental Meditation technique.
A successful businessman in South Russia is using profits from his automobile parts business to support a small but growing civilian group of IDT experts. He plans to expand and develop his business to bring invincibility to the whole nation. Colonel Chassé reported that, in this area, "coherence is urgently needed." Recently, hostilities have started in this region. As this group grows, Russia could become more unified. "Russians will not perceive their differences in religion, in culture, and in language as a threat and a danger, but as something that is nourishing and supportive for everyone," said Chassé. Spain
Spanish civilians are meeting several times a week in groups to practice IDT in more than 10 cities, including Madrid and Barcelona. Their numbers are not yet large enough to achieve invincibility.
South Korea
In addition to the information describe in this newsletter's headline story: "Invincible Defense Technology Experts Tour South Korea," Dr. Lee, Col. Brian Rees and Dr. David Leffler had the chance to talk to some VIPs. For instance, the assistance of the President of the Korean Sociological Association who has great influence on the Korean government was invaluable. They also met with scientists from many countries to whom they introduced Invincible Defense Technology. A military-related scientist from Pakistan has requested presentations, and other countries have also expressed interest. Dr. Lee thinks an important step has been taken to creating an Invincible South Korea.
Trinidad and Tobago
The Minister of National Security for the government of Trinidad and Tobago has requested two proposals involving Invincible Defense Technology. One proposal is to establish a permanent group of Invincible Defense Technology experts to curb the escalating crime rate in Trinidad and Tobago. The other one is to utilize the Transcendental Meditation program for prison rehabilitation. Both proposals have been sent to the ministry. (It is significant that it was the Trinidad and Tobago government who requested the proposal.)
A civilian who worked in Turkey's NATO headquarters informed many military leaders about Invincible Defense Technology. Now that he is retired, he plans to give presentations to military veterans associations. Many Turkish veterans are suffering from mental and physical injuries as a result of their war against violent PKK terrorism. Presently, those with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) are only receiving psychological and psychiatric help. The primary component of IDT, the TM technique, has been scientifically shown in a peer-reviewed study conducted on US Vietnam veterans to be an effective tool for treating PTSD.
United Arab Emirates
For the past 14 years, the United Arab Emirates did not have any teachers of the primary component of IDT, the TM program. Now three new TM teachers are living in that country. In the past four months, they have taught the TM technique to 60 civilians. They are holding regular courses in which they practice the TM technique in groups in order to increase national coherence. They are organizing the first course in the country on the advanced component of IDT, the TM-Sidhi technique, with a long-term goal of national invincibility. |
Dr. John Hagelin Video Transcript Available Online
Many of our readers have viewed the excellent video entitled "Important Message for the Military" (1:13:00) by Dr. John Hagelin, and a transcript with full-sized images is now available online. Dr. Hagelin is a world-renowned quantum physicist and executive director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York City. He appeared in the movies What the Bleep Do We Know and The Secret. This Harvard trained physicist has addressed UN ambassadors, government leaders, and the world press to call for establishing a group of experts in IDT in every country, to render every country impervious to attack.
If you have not already seen this video, it may transform your worldview. "This is science - this is not a fanciful dream," Dr. Hagelin declared. "I am speaking of a new approach to national security and invincibility that is based on the latest discoveries of quantum physics, physiology, and neuroscience, and which has been validated by extensive published scientific research. This new scientific approach provides a practical, proven solution to the problems of violence and conflict-and ensures that every government can immediately secure the safety and security of its people." The video is available at: http://www.invincibledefense.org/videos/2007_04_11_hagelin.html
In the past, viewers had difficulty seeing the small charts, graphs and images in the video. It is helpful, while listenining to the video, to refer to the transcription for the graphics. If English is not a viewer's native language, he or she can translate the transcription using any online web service. The transcription with full-sized images is available at: http://istpp.org/military_science/Hagelin_military_lecture.html
In Closing: What is Invincible Defense Technology?
If you are new to Invincible Defense Technology, please read this primer.
Can militaries eliminate terrorism solely by deploying weaponry and soldiers?
The answer is "no." Often, such strategies only raise tensions even further. Military leaders need to understand that terrorism and war are human problems requiring human solutions. The underlying cause of these, and other types of social violence, is accumulated stress.
Therefore, to eliminate such social problems, all militaries need to reduce collective societal stress. The answer to the problem is simple. No collective stress means no tension between rival factions. No terrorism.
Extensive scientific research indicates that the best way to reduce collective societal stress, and thereby snuff out war and terrorism, is by adopting an ancient Vedic strategy. "Avert the danger that has not yet come."
Physicist and Vedic scholar Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has revived the ancient Vedic technology of Invincible Defence in a non-religious manner. It has been quietly and successfully used by members of many faiths to eliminate conflict in the recent past. By applying this human resource-based technology, which is nourishing and not destructive, all militaries could reduce tensions and control terrorism.
A Prevention Wing of the Military would be the ideal way to use this technology. This wing would comprise about 2-3% of the military. The remaining personnel would carry out their normal military duties. The Prevention Wing of the Military would be trained in the primary components of Invincible Defence Technology - the Transcendental Meditation (TM) program and its advanced practices. They would practice these techniques in a group morning and evening. The group would radiate coherence in the atmosphere, affecting their own minds as well the minds of others, including those of the opponents. Peaceful overtures would increase from all sides, reducing tensions.
Extensive scientific research has shown that Invincible Defense Technology works. Mozambique used IDT to end its civil war in the 1990's. More and more countries have enough practitioners of the TM-Sidhi program to be invincible. Will your country be next?
Best Wishes,
David R. Leffler, Ph.D.
Lee M. Leffler, M.A. |
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